and she's not a beader, lampworker or nothing like that!!! its even more exciting, hazel is a weaver! i don't know anybody else that weaves so its been really interesting seeing her stuff on the craftpimp forum and boy oh boy is it amazing!!!
hazel started out as a spinner, but the weaving bug bit hard and she rarely does this now, although when you see the pics of the weaving she does, i'm sure you will agree it was worth sacrificing the spinning for. i'm just in awe of this womans work, and Richard (the boyfriend) if you are reading this, yes i would like one :-)
Hazel does her weaving in her home and studio in Wales on amazing looms, the big one:
this beauty takes about 10 hours to set up!! talk about dedication, and is used for weaving damask
this one is for making more complex designs
and this is the baby loom used for making samples and scarves,
the mind boggles at how intricate the looms themselves are. i guess i should actually show you some of the items hazel makes but its so difficult trying to pick out some favourite pieces as they truely are all stunning but i'll give it my best shot
i love the colours in this one, so vibrant.
a fine example of the different designs that can be achieved (don't ask me how, but its impressive isn't it)
and last but not least this beauty, its hand dyed silk with merino fibre laid over it, and they are then felted together. WOW
hazel will be at the beaumauris festival from 27/05/11-30/05/11 if you want to see her work in person if you cant get there here is the link to her website so you can see (and hopefully buy, yes richard i'm talking to you again) more amazing wraps and scarves hazelbhandweaver